Get Everything Ideas of Lower Belly Fat – For Female

Lower belly fat is “fat that is below the belly button” and the larger lower section of the Abdomen to manage, control, or hack into outfits’ good jobs. We will show you a lot of examples and sources of information that help you for good understanding.

According to “health harvard edu”, – Very people have affected by belly fat, especially females more affected, in the research belly fat have – 90% Subcutaneous and 10% Viscera or intra-abdominal fat that coverage from your stomach skin layers, if you put a hand on it, then you feel very soft, that is called lower belly fat.

Whereas Subcutaneous means muscle of skin layers, Visceral fat is around of abdominal fat deep inside your body.

It feels soft tissue, very loose lifted unwanted muscles like bulges.

The Synonym of “Lower belly fat” –  Lower belly pooch, lower stomach fat, lower tummy, gut, bottom belly, belly Bulge or FUPA is approximately the same thing.

What cause of lower belly fat?

According to “”- 3  main causes that create lower belly fat, in your stomach 1) poor diet, 2) lack of exercise 3) short or low quality of sleep

According to “healthlines” – here is also the same get the 1). fewer exercises, 2. without protein diets, and 3. Unhealthy lifestyles are the main cause of lower belly fat.

But I see on Youtube a search query of what cause of “belly fat” the I get unique two reasons 1) Sugar 2) refined carbs and 3. stress.

From DoctorOz, who is an educator on health, how to gain fat, how to reduce fat.

In the video, I understand, that sugar or refined carbs create inflammation in your belly, obesity, fat, and unwanted place at the belly where stay inactive fats, we need these fat change into metabolism or energy.

All people cannot meet one reason, for growing belly or all over of the body’ fat…from our research

I get some natural reasons of lower belly fat

  1. Genetics: parents hormones 
  2. Diet: Family environment of food selection or cook
  3. Inflammation: Pregnancy

#if you’ve genetic problem, then naturally exercise or best food help you

#if you’ve suffering from belly fat at (ages 30 to 40…) then you can lose it fast from Fat change into energy – workout, diet and deep sleep or lifestyle management.

# After pregnancy, (1-3) months not more eating food, because your stomach has a big space so grow your inflammation to belly, at this time follow

  • Less eating with balance diets
  • Not more eating in one time, take 3-4 times little/little 
  • Use a stomach tighten cream or exercise

This causes not forgot

  1. Alcohols and stress
  2. Family relationship and loves
  3. Less fiber food or more carbs diets
  4. Long time work in one place

Lower Belly Fat Effects

Cause and Effects of Lower Belly Fat

The female is crazy for belly fitness, more than men. The main negative factor of lower belly fat is hiding or fitting in clothes, pooch looks very unattractive, they reduce your personality from anywhere, even it is so hard to control in jeans, leggings, outfits or other parallel wear dresses.  

  • Fat storage push the heart disease or blockage
  • white fat cell coverage the vesicles areas blood flow make up-down
  • Produce enzymes/glands of stress or hypertension
  • Some opportunity/ job company not approved!
  • Personality may reduce or change your name…
  • Financially, reduce your productivity of working results
  • Reduce your confident and comfy
  • Even sometimes negative effects of pair loves.
  • Partnership debates.

These all are my personal experiences and thoughts that I feel in my life, I’ve also lower belly fat, but I regular-continue follow all tips, I getting the positive results

According to “”- Belly Fat is very dangerous, excess belly fat can increase the risk of Heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, type 2 diabetes, asthma, breast cancer and colon cancer.

How to Get Rid a Lower Belly Pooch/fat

Hey, everyone how to lose lower belly fat fast, without any hard rules or time schedule but time giving must be important for your health. 

If you don’t fix the time, it goes to an irregular workout so it is not working well, So we recommend a morning or evening 1/1 hour minimum ( for health) workout and invest in your Healthy Diet and Love your OWN thoughts .

Exercises/ workout

According to “Jade Geaorge” in high-waisted legging, legrise Up-Down  Lower abs workout continues 1 hour a day , very effective for “lower belly”,  “FUPA” and “Pouch”.

You scroll the arrow> see 5 other workout..

  1. Flutter kicks
  2. Lying leg raises
  3. Alternative knee drive
  4. Double knee drive
  5. Reserve planks kiks- ups
  6. Oblique knee- drive

Very mind blowing exercises taught from fitness trainer jade george, a lot of thanks for these techniques, you must follow these 5 workouts.

Secondly, @physiofpilates– Lower belly trainer many uploaded on instagram page, you can follow her video on youtube for extra information.

Generally, all fitness trainers recommend these 7 exercises for lower belly fat.

But, if you want to some hard exercising for fast losing targeted belly fat then Prevention tactise workout recommended, 


Diet is the second’s position of lower belly fat loss, all people understand what it is, how many eat? What effect does eating food have on my body? This query asks to own first and eat. 

Take In a Diets

  1. Low carbs diets: Meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds, high-fat diary and oils 
  2. Red Fruits: red cells or minerals available in fruits like apples, pomegranates, and strawberries.
  1. Green Tea: Green tea has multiple cells or minerals of fat burning or fat change into energy features, like Java Burn.
  2. Choline: it is found in eggs that reduce the viscera fats.
  3. Sugar-free: minimum salt and sugar having breakfast, lunch, and dinner can make you slimmer.

This Coffee Fat Change into energy

 Lifestyles Upgrade

Avoids some stress from your lifestyles or bad behavior in daily life, weekly or monthly where you time expenses…

  • No deeply thinks – to all time
  • Only more think that helps of your Business, health or happiness.
  • Cut negativity, you’re great!, you slim! beautiful!
  • Say own I’m celebrity! chic! stunning! skinny! or sexy!
  • Cut alcohol from your life
  • Enjoy or celebrate with your achieving all small results in your life
  • Less thinking smart working follow
  • All talk not shared with your friends that create stress in your life in the future.
  • Business growth team building: it can help time management for your health routine.
  • More earning more expenses: it helps life upgrade.

These all are my personal tips or tricks that change your healthy life. You must follow these all points I deeply researched for 1 week to write this post. Thank you!

Get Enough Sleep

If you’re not getting more sleep, the research says 7 hours of deep sleep is an ideal amount for medium and older ages peoples.

Follow this Ways

  • Eat More cooked at home

A lot of benefits if your meals at home “ you maintain the with needs of calory intakes foods even less sugar or fewer carbs

Secondary benefits, you will save money, which cooking connect with your family, relax and refresh foods.

  • Sun gazing and Morning Sunbath

If you continue for 43 days to bathe from sunrise, in the first rays of sunrise in the morning for 30 minutes, and pray to the sun or believe in it, naturally you get Vitamin D, intelligence power, eyes insight, and overall body fat to tightens.

  • Hula Hooping & core exercise

Hooping is one of the most powerful tools for smooth abdomen and hips areas bugles.

  • Core Exercise

Always focus on stomach tightens shrink your waist lines from the 3 best core exercises “ Modified curl-up, Side Bridge, and Bird Dog. 

  • Time interval training and Dance 

On youtube, a lot of trainers to make tutorials on “ Core training” and watch the video together same time, the same styles and the same do that every day with high-load speakers. 

  • Eat More Water

Eating more water is universal, its suggest to all types of fatty peoples, because save from dehydration, stone and detox the fat.

Again Seconds section starts…

Related: How to lose Fupa in a 30 Day? 4 strategies

Hide or Hacks  

Lower belly fat/pooch you can hide with best shapewear, jeans, legging or outfits but what types, features that are friendly for it.

Shapewear can hide lower belly fat

Shapewear significantly changes your posture, or look-up of your belly size, or shape. It can be used daily or regularly for slimming looks in parties, markets, celebrity competitions, offices or where you want to look skinny or thin. Nowadays much females use a shapewear in the form of shaper panties, plus-size bodysuits, and tummy control.

You get many benefits of shapewear like,

  1. Overall look change
  2. Improve your posture and abdominal muscles
  3. Inner support of outfits
  4. Prolapse and age benefits, look younger or slimmer
  5. Everyday back bone support
  6. Smart looking

Note: Shapewear is not reducing fat, it can only compress a body’s fat, that creates a look chic, beautiful, thin and slim than before wearing shapewear. But not any side effects you wear on a daily basis or not. 

Whatever at times, lower stomach-friendly many types of compressor you can buy, but choose the best corsets, seamless, waist checkers or guest closures.

Jean can hide the lower belly pooch

  • High-waisted
  • High-rise
  • Elasten fabric
  • Waist bend belted
  • Tummy control

What types leggings is best for lower belly fat

  • Moisture wiking 
  • High-waist options
  • Cool design and comfortable
  • Versatile
  • Good fit 

What types of Outfits is best for lower belly fat?

  • voluminous
  • Flattering
  • Long or comfortable
  • No tight or no looser
  • Dark color or deep looking

Some QNA’s

I clear some extra information for losing fat fast..

Why is lower belly fat so stubborn?

Stubborn fat occurs through the rounds of the belly button of an upper-inner layer of stomach skin below of muffin top which is also called subcutaneous.